you know it was a r e a l dance party when you're holding your shoes on the way home.
atlanta - oh what a night.

mission winter c o a t = the aritzia military parka
i love your tna military parka.
i would like one please.
army green + size small.
more cowbell
if you like it then you better put a ring on it
*** a few blog notes. i've greatly expanded my labeling so if you like a post click on the corresponding label for related items.
it's taking a long time to redo almost 2 years of posts but i'll get there. i've also tried to re-size some posts too. i won't do everything as that is just too much of a process, but it is bringing new life to some older stuff on tns. for example, if you're new to miss alexa chung i've done loads of posts on her style in the past and they're all re-sized so check out the archives.
tumblr love
makeup/fashion haul video 1
so here's a look at some recent purchases that i've been loving. let me know if you like the haul video idea and whether i should do these on a semi-regular basis.
then if you want to see more videos check out my favourite makeup gurus on youtube.
laura at lollipop26
elle at allthatglitters21
blair at juicystar07
aubrey at fafinettex3
it's your birthday so i know you want to ride ide ide out.
alexa entrenched
baby mammas
"for people like us, a collage degree is just an accessory... like a malawi baby or a poodle". -chuck bass
src. canadawhore
kings of leon - hamilton 19/09/09
it was one of the best shows i've ever seen and i've seen some amazing acts. it had a lot to do with the crowd/band dynamic. the boys were loving us, calab was smiling the whole time. he said after the first 4 songs we were the best crowd all tour and that coming into hamilton they weren't expecting much (if you've never been to hamilton it's a city of 500,000 and they make steel there so half the city is pretty waterfront and half of it is towers of flames and piles of rock) but they'd never come to canada again if hamilton wasn't on the bill. calab said we made the show an experience the band would never forget. they were joking with us and with each other about how they couldn't even hear themselves, everyone was so loud and into it. they bowed for us forever after their 3 encore songs. i was standing dead center, ten rows in and stared at caleb all night but there was no sign of lily. although the place was packed so she could have been there. as for their reputation of no stage presence i must disagree, they were dancing around, very talkative and rocking out. whoever says that hasn't seen them with a good crowd because they were phenomenal last night. caleb was also drinking gatorade most of the night so perhaps that made a difference. i can't wait to see them again! but if the show isn't as good i'll look to the words of the boys, "if it's not forever, if it's just tonight, it's still the greatest!" nothing can tarnish the memory of last night.
i went with my sister. thanks for these pictures christine! it was her birthday present from me. you can see us above.
i wore my vintage over the knee boots, new hudson jeans. wildfox tank that exposed my mesh aritzia bra, zara scarf, twenty8twelve leather jacket, mulberry brooke bag,and oakley glasses.
you've seen the pieces, here's the look
rings 1st picture: (l to r,t to b) street stall, vintage, thex, tiffany's