worth the 8+hrs of driving, arches national park is the most amazing place i've ever been to in utah. the hikes were relatively easy and the views were completely breath taking. we only had one day, but we fit in 3 different trails, a lunch time side trip to moab and so many photo ops that both our cameras and my flipcam ran out of battery.
***this post is very picture heavy***
the drive into the park

bundled up against the wind and looking out for cactus!
on top of the world on the edge of the trail, just around the bend from the arch

the delicate arch
basically the symbol of utah. absolutely amazing.

that tiny figure is me standing in the arch, so cool. right on the edge of the cliff
one of the peaks in the massive national park, doesn't it look like lion?

on the trail to landscape arch, the 2nd most popular hike in the park
on the windows trail
ipod camera shot after all my other cameras died
wearing: h&m army coat, zara white long sleeve top, f21 leggings, aritzia guns sweater, chucks and minnetonka moccasins, h&m necklace, ray-ban oversized wayferers, pendleton dopp bag
***i hope you guys like the vacation posts even though they're not as fashion related as my usual stuff. the experience was so awesome i just have to share it. 4 more posts left.
***i hope you guys like the vacation posts even though they're not as fashion related as my usual stuff. the experience was so awesome i just have to share it. 4 more posts left.