how do i even start with nashville? i had truly the best time and i wish that i was still there... in fact being back home put me in quite the funk, missed my love and missed the city itself. still, i can't wallow forever, so hopefully getting back to the things i love, like this little blog, will help me get through the long distance heartache.

day one in nash. was a write off. i travelled all day, was awake for 30+ straight hours (flying anxiety) - all i wanted to do was get there and see the boy. the exploring didn't start until day 2 with a walk down to broadway (if you don't know nashville that's where all the bars/honky tonks are and it's the main downtown strip). on the way we made a detour through printer's alley. a small side street of bars and one famous "gentleman's club" that are all housed in former bordellos, ooooh scandalous.

on broadway we popped into robert's western world for a refreshment(s) and then onto hatch show print, an awesome old school print shop that creates a lot of the posters for nashville concerts. i fell in love and wanted to buy all their pieces.

i loved this wall - blog shots time. my boy was so sweet to humor me with all the pictures.
we finished the day at the foot of broadway by the cumberland river. there are so many great public spaces in nashville. 
that night we went to jacks, the most famous bbq spot in nashville and it did not disappoint - serious hangover after that meal. i love how in nashville you can get sweet tea and lemonade everywhere #arnoldpalmersaremyfavourite

what i wore out that night to jacks and to honky tonk at tootsies- please excuse the lighting, it's so dark in the boys apartment.

ipod shots at jacks. me and the boy and our plates. i had pulled pork, mac and cheese and coleslaw. yum.
outfit 1: sweater- h&m, jeans- urban outfitters, necklace- jewelmint, boots- sam edelman louies, sunnies- rayban, bag- pendleton
outfit 2: sweater and tank- aritzia, shorts- urban outfitters, tights- h&m