it's hours away from midnight and i'm about to slip into my green chiffon mini dress and siggie ankle boots and party the night away. i wanted to wish all my readers and friends out there, all the best in the new year. here's some pictures from christmas day where i was lucky enough to have my mom play photographer. she's the the best.dress: development
tights: h&m
boots: jlo
earrings: gift from portugal
celebrate good times
best wishes
a week late but better now then never, my christmas eve look. kevin always says that whenever i go to family events i wear things i never normally put on. when i asked him what he meant by that he answered, "like velvet things". to reply, i see these occasions as opportunities to wear all the fantastic vintage pieces i have accumulated of the years. i rarely get dressed up in my everyday life because i usually go out after work or go to bars where you are highly likely to get something spilled on you. these pieces are delicate you have to treat them with care. this dress is one of those items. it's silk velvet from the forties with embroidery on the shoulder and a matching three quarter sleeve jacket. i love the weight of good quality velvet and i think the crochet tights make the look even more lux. i also added the beaded belt to create a waistline and shorten the dress a bit, it still needs to be hemmed.
dress and belt: vintage
tights: urban outfitters
shoes: anne klien, winners
earrings: gift from portugal
bracelets: diy
wrapped up
i'm about to start working on my fashion scrapbooks but first a quick post. just a few pics of me messing around with my new camera in my blair bow top. you can see my christmas tree all done up in the background. after some crazy days at work i have the next three days off and tomorrow i might finally get to see what's left over from all the boxing day sales. more posts tuesday.....
wake up it's a beautiful morning
some new pics of my darling alexa from nylon guys magazine. the article, from their london issue, isn't too enlightening as i already know a ton about alexa but it is a cute introduction to her for those who've never heard of her before. the photos on the other hand are delightful, fun, sweet, sexy and charming just like a.c. on a side note, i'm thinking of purchasing a new handbag. i love the shape and details of the bag but i'm not sure of the colour. it's a very hot coral/red which i like but i've never thought of getting a handbag that colour. i'm more into neutrals, metallics and cooler colours like purples and greens. do you guys have any bright bags? do you wear them? love them?
shining disco ball
here are some more detailed shots of the outfit i wore to ian's goodbye dinner. i'm a huge believer in pairing over sized items with body hugging pieces and that's why i wore my new disco shiny vintage top with my black mini. plus, the black toned it down, just a bit. perfect party wear with matching party make up.
introducing my nikon D
i finally got through my backlog of photos to the ones i've taken since i've received my new nikon d40. i'm still figuring out all the settings as i've only ever used a traditional slr camera before but already i think the pictures are clearer and brighter.
byebye ian
so as you've been hearing about all week my friend ian has finally left for his adventure to asia and the uk, which he may or may not return from in six months time. so he had many going away bashes, so we could all say goodbye. ian is one of the most fun people i've ever met and he will be missed. these are the pics from he and his roommate anton's going away dinner. please, don't mind the horrible lighting in some of these i think my camera was on a weird setting. ian and i are in the first pic, so sad. the fourth pic of ian and steven is so cute too. i have better quality shots of my outfit on my new camera and i will post those next. bon voyage sbf.
catbird... love
i just discovered this fantastic store called catbird. it's in brooklyn but they have an online outpost as well. after weeks looking for animal jewelry i've seen a lot of cute things but nothing as nice as what's being stocked at catbird. my favourite pieces are by digby & iona, oathnyc and bittersweets ny. i think i'm going to have to buy the baby vamp rings, f%ck tab necklace and the sparrow ring once i've recovered from my christmas shopping. i'd love the lost love compass necklace too, i'm obsessed with mini compasses and i never seen a nicer one, but that piece is a bit more of a splurge. check out the site.

liquid leggings 2.0
i wore these again on monday, this time doubling up on that rubber look with some wellies. after all the streets of toronto are nortiously slushy. i toned down my look with a tie neck tunic dress and houndstooth cardi but it still got a lot of questions. all day people asked me what my pants were made of like they'd never seen anything like them before. i thought i was jumping on this trend bandwagon late but i guess these haven't hit the mainstream just yet. i apologize for the bad photos i promise to read my new camera manual soon because right now all i'm doing is shooting on automatic. happy 25th everyone. i got a few of the things on my list too... did you?
did someone say open bar?
the work christmas party. it was 4 hours of drunken dancing, stumbling and all out good times. the debauchery was actually quite contained compared to years past, although i didn't make it to the after party as i had to work in the am. i wore a fringe dress in navy, loved the colour, with some amazing star print fishnets. they reminded me a lot of those fantastic emma cook tights she had in her fall/08 fashion show. it was the perfect dancing outfit. i hope everyone out there is having a great holiday, enjoying themselves with family and friends. happy christmas xoxo cindy!
my so called life
it's christmas eve eve and i've done all my gift shopping. the packages are wrapped under the tree as i type. it's snowing/raining/icing and all i want to do is curl under the blankets, nap, watch csi/ the first 48 and play on the internet. which is what i am doing, obviously. i didn't wear anything cute today to run around doing my last minute errands, i just layered for warmth. instead, i will show you this grungy look from last week. channeling a seattle groupie and angela chase i pulled out a 90's floral and layered it with black knit. a vintage cashmere cardie covered in lovingly mended holes, knit tights, and a slouchy beanie. throw on some battered brown leather boots and a vintage gold locket to bring out the earthy tones in the floral print and your ready to rock. i'm trying to decided if i can get out of my blanket cocoon to make it to my friend ian's last official going away bash, after a week of pre-bash bashes. i have three hours to decide....