missile attack
buy them at tobi.com for $367
src. garance dore, stardust memories, google
march beauty/misc favourites
what i've been loving in beauty and life this march (if the video is grainy it's b/c it's still processing or you may need a software update).
****a reminder! the subscriber/follower contest ends today wednesday march 31st. make sure you enter in the contest post if you haven't already! check back later tonight for the winner too.
to shop or not to shop - topshop edition
for all my lovely followers - a contest
february haul/favourites
here's what i bought last month. i finally picked up some items that i've been wanting forever.... very successful shopping. as for favourite videos, i decided not to do them for february because it was really just a month of leggings/oversized tees, hunter wellies and olympics. so instead i decided to just break it all down for you here instead. look out for videos for march though. i also wanted to let you all know that there is a contest coming up soon as well, i'll try and post the video this weekend, but if not by tuesday. it's going to be a thank you to all my lovely subscribers/followers/supporters. i love you guys!
- bottoms: leggings from aritzia, f21 and lululemon, levis 503's, earnest sewn harlens
- tops: oversized tee's from alternative apparel, american apparel and vintage stores
- lots of thrifted oversized cardis and men's cashmere sweaters, alternative hoodies and plaid shirts.
- jackets: my h&m army coat, paired with a hoodie/vintage rabbit fur vest for warmth or my tna parka. on warmer days i was sporting my vintage suede/shearling biker jacket (totally inspired by burberry)
- shoes: grey chucks, hunter wellies and vintage black guess riding boots.
- accessories: my sarah chloe ring, gold heart locket, olympic mitts.
- when i did want to wear something a bit more special i picked long sleeved mini dresses or my leopard print mini skirt from h&m paired with opaques and a vintage tee (you will see an outfit post on that look soon).
- beauty: mac brown colour palette and lots of fiberwig mascara, kevin murphy hair products
- tv/movies: the olympics took over my life, but i was also saying goodbye to season 4 of friday night lights (sooo good, especially zach gilford's performance as matt saracen) and falling in love with cook on skins... he was the king of season 4.
- music: nirvana greatest hits, blind melon soup and green day dookie on heavy rotation
- books: the rose labyrinth. great if you like da vinci code type thrillers.
- i also finally got into exercising regularly and i like to do 20-30 mins of cardo every other day
winter shorts
desperately seeking anna

pocket full of posies
party like it's 2009
i love ash.
i think i'm in love
sailor c.
red carpet stars