so these are the zip up plaid ankle boots that i bought at aldo the other day. i was unsure about them from the start. the patent is very shiny, the heels very high and the fit not very comfortable. but, i do love the zippers and i feel the plaid tones down the stripper heel factor in them. i've been debating returning them since i got them and then yesterday at holt's last call i fell hard for a pair of sigerson morrison ankle boots. so comfortable and pretty plus, at an additional 30% off i had to get them. they're buttery soft black leather, with a slightly pointed toe and completely wearable dressed up or down. thus, it means these are going back to aldo but, i still want to know what do you all think of them?
super kawaii
i've spent the last 24 hours visiting my parents but, before i headed home i had to work. in an attempt to wear things i've been neglecting i took out this tank dress and this pink top. it was a little cool on friday so the tights and layering weren't too overwhelming and this dress is kind of short so they made the outfit a bit more work appropriate.
keep your hands in the vehicle at all times
on wednesday i couldn't contain myself and i just had to check out the new things at the gap. i wanted to see if the p.robinson hype was worth it so i went shopping. since, i wasn't suppose to be buying things i thought at least i would wear something cute and maybe it would make me feel better about my complete lack of willpower. speaking of which, i'm eating the biggest piece of baskin robbins birthday cake as i write this, so much for getting in better shape. anyways, i wore my new see by chloe tank that i got on sale at holt's. i love the neon yellow and the little men on it. i bought this as a replacement for the sass and bide que sera tee i wanted but couldn't track down. i also took out my marc bag and have been carrying it for the last few days. i've been neglecting it and my birthday always reminds me of it because that's when i got it two years ago as a present.
chris's bday
i rehashed this gingham look again the other day. i just love this top with dark blue skinnies. it's so girly. later for night i changed tops to this equally classic nautical look. i was heading to my friend chris's house for his birthday party on his rooftop patio. the sweater was definitely necessary as it is already very chilly at night. after all there is only 2 and a half more days of august.
it's ac
who what wear daily posted my beloved alexa chung's must haves for fall. love the mulberry, love the holga, basically love it all.
the ex
it's a canadian institution, the annual national exposition. basically, it means rides, carni games, crazy bad for you food like corn dogs, tiny tom mini donuts, ice cream and candy apples, plus lots of people trying to sell you massagers and chamois. i love it.
i'm blushing
the wonderful stephanie at le cheap c'est chic wrote the sweetest post about three of her favourite ashion bloggers and she included me as one of them. needless to say i was very flattered. here is the little blurb she wrote about me and the photo below:

birthday girl
i wanted to wear something special on monday because it was my birthday and i'm silly like that. i'm a true boho/rock and roll chick at heart and so i thought this outfit was very fitting. an original 70's embroidered tunic, cutoffs, buttery boots and knee highs, a la all my british fashion idols. after work, for a night partying at the ex (the big annual carnival in toronto) and the beaconsfield i changed into a sexier black outfit but, the day belonged to channeling penny lane.
nice jeans summer
sometimes when i see something i want online or in magazines there's such a strong attraction that i feel i must have the item immediately. i covet it. it's not always possible to have these items due to cost or availability. that 's when i head to the thrift or vintage store to try and find something similar. sometimes it's uncertainty that keeps me from a purchase. i have gotten a few things online that were too big or didn't suit me so when i saw the current/elliot jean launch i was weary to pre-order. i loved the jeans but what if they weren't flattering on me?, everything looks good on models. i decided to wait until nyc when i could try them on but until then i thought i'd model an old pair of marc by marcs after the current/elliot boyfriend jean rachel bilson is sporting. they aren't as distressed but i sanded them to death with a sanding block so hopefully in a few washes they'll be as destroyed as these.

une fille comme moi
love birds
this is one of the new fall items i've picked up. a thrifted burgundy boys polo flannel shirt, i'm obessed. all i want to do is shop for fall but i'm trying to save. luckly i haven't been too tempted by what i've seen in the stores. only the gap had some things with the patrick robinson relaunch that i had to get. i'll post those pieces in a little gap post i have planned. i'm sure it will get worst over the next month though as the second wave of fall shipments hit stores. i wore my new find with some old favourites. a great t-shirt dress, moccs, my tylie malibu and a favourite bird necklace that now matches my tattoo.
i know i've been away from the blog for a while but i've had a busy week. monday was my birthday, yeah!, tuesday was the birthday of my good friend chris and today was the final baseball game of the year. what a great couple of days and so fun. i do have a lot of outfits to post over the next day or two to make up for my absence though. this is a look i wore to head to lunch with my sister. we went to my favourite thai restaurant, salad king and hung out shopping. i was good and didn't buy anything, save save save for nyc. i thought i should get as much wear out of my summer shorts as september i literally around the corner. these sailor high waisted ones are a favourite even though they get instantly linty when you put them on. plus, i got to wear the infamous studded gladiators before the hot days are gone. i did have a moment of weakness today and bought some very sexy shoes. they arrive in a day or two and i'll post them here so you all can tell me if i should keep them or return them, they're very, very tall.
sweater: aritzia
back to work and in order to make full use of the end of summer i'm wearing tanks and little dresses until september. this is one of my favourite summer buys and i paired it with a bright yellow belt for definition and contrast. a little gucci colour palette influence. i love the tiers on this dress it's so fluttery. i'm wearing my favourite minnetonkas and their new line for fall is in the stores. i had to force my self away from them the other day because i'm not suppose to shop until nyc. i don't know it the willpower will hold up they're so cute.
the cottage part 2
the second week at the cottage continued with much of the same suntanning, relaxing, swimming and activities. we were treated this week by mike who brought over his boat from his cottage on a neighboring lake. i felt like i was on a drug cartel's boat of the coast of south beach zipping around on that thing. the rain came in on the last day up there and you can see the big clouds coming in over the water but for the most part the vacation was sunny and warm. i would definitely come back to stay at this cottage again it was an amazing time.
rebecca minkoff
i love rebecca minkoff bags and i've been lusting over them for some time now, ever since the morning after bag made it's mark. when i went to nyc it was between a large morning after and my tylie for my big bag purchase. i chose the tylie malibu because i loved it's slouchiness and versatility but i still wished i could have had both. now with another trip around the corner and some minkoff sales on the net i'm thinking about adding a new bag to the collection. but which one? i think a morning after mini in blue or grey, any suggestions?