today i put together a light summery look. i wanted to wear my newly studded cardi so i decieded on a gauzy tank, that way i wouldn't be too hot at work. this is a great vintage top i got for 10 or 20 dollers. i also wore my other new sandals. these were a lot less comfortabe then the ones i wore yesterday but i love the colbolt colour. perfect outfit for walking around queen, heading to work and drinks at beacs.
i love urban outfitters
today was the grand opening of the new urban on queen west. i had to go and funny enough i ran into my friend jenny and she said she thought she'd see me there, after all it is my favourite store. the place looked great, a lot like the ones in new york. it was busy though and kevin came along so i didn't really look at everything in detail. i will head over there next week to have a more thorugh look around. that said i did buy a few things. i found a great lace body suit similar to the hanky panky one i posted after my desperatley seeking susan write up. i also got 2 more la flair polishes. a rad hot pink my friend jackie was sporting the other day and a light yellow that i'm wearing on my toes in the next post pictures. finally, i got this cute navy belt which is perfect to wear with dresses and high waisted skirts. i love the floral detail. going to urban always makes me a little sad though because i want to work in their merchandising department so badly, hire me! i'd be a perfect match just look at my devotion on my blog. hopefully, it will happen one day. oh, aren't the cn tower totes so cute?
i have chloomydia
just because i love george and he's newly single a little funny comic for you. i fell for the troubled dr. ross so hard when i was 14. do you remember that episode with the kid in the storm drain? wow ....
what a stud
i mentioned studding my aa jersey cardi last night. well here is the final result. i think it looks so good. it's not as cool as the vena cava sweater i love but it's way more affordable. i went back to the market to get more studs today and i even found some shaped like acorns. i just have to figure out what to stud next. i really could get carried away with this. side note* the new urban outfitters opens on queen tomorow. yes, it is such a shorter walk for me now. i can't wait to go tomorrow.
one of the boys
i felt like being comfy today so i decided to channel my skater days of youth and wear my vintage baggy levis. i love the heart shaped patch on them but they are so long in the crotch you have to wear a long top to balance it out. i love wearing oversized things it's like your boyfriend's clothes. in fact whenever my guy gets his clothes together to give away i always look through them for stuff i may like. i wear his old tees to bed and to workout in. i also found the rest of my fabric bracelets i made last time i was in portugal. my aunt that's currently visiting is the one with the sewing business whose scrapes i used to make the bracelets. i spent the day hanging out in the market. i checked out some vintage shops and saw some teak furniture to die for. i also had a nice mexican lunch and a margherita on a patio. it's nice to just go to a restaurant with a book and have a drink and a nice meal by yourself sometimes. i'm currentley reading strawberry shortcake murder. i know it sounds cheesy but i love culinary mysteries. you get to try and figure out who dun it and get great recipes. this series is all about a girl with a cookie shop so all the recipes are for baked goods which is ideal for me because i prefer baking to cooking. tonight we racked up another "w" in baseball and i even tried to catch a ball. i ended up stopping it with my shin and will probably have a bruise but we won so it was worth it. go cudas. p.s. i wore my new studded gladiators today and they were super comfortable. i'd totally recommend them even though one of the jewels is coming off already.
courage my love
today i spent the day with my mom, my aunt and my sister. we had a yummy lunch at mitzi's as usual and then we checked out some shops. i got a dress at h&m and a few items at aritzia. i'm still not 100 percent sure i'm keeping it all but we'll see after i try things with what i have at home. i think tomorrow i'm going to go to courage my love and get some more studs. it's a great vintage store in the market that also sells beads and buttons. tonight i customized my aa jersey cardi with some gold studs and it looks so good i might have to bedazzle a couple more items. plus, the market means yummy cheese and fresh produce. we also have baseball tomorrow and i'm looking forward to what looks to be our first sunny game.
jacket: vintage
top: aritzia
jeans: ag
boots: vintage
necklace: h&m, customized luv your pets
there's a fly in my butter
it's finally warming up so i'm making use of my summery dresses. i even wore my favourite boho belt that's been hiding in the back of my closet for three years. i love the studs on it. the earrings i'm wearing are handmade by a girl in portugal. i love the butterflies.
yesterday was sonia's birthday party but before i headed to her backyard bash i met up with my mom and my aunt for some antique shopping. we went to the christie show and i don't know if we got there too late or if it was because it was so busy but i was underwhelmed with the selection. i didn't see any furniture i loved, never mind in my price range. the linens were also disappointing but i did find one flannel blanket that i used to cover my kitchen benches. in fact along with a small vintage satchel and an edwardian jacket that was all i got. not very inspired. after the show we stopped at winners and i found a hot pair of stacked heel peep toes with a chain detail that will be great with wide pants like the ones i wore to sonia's party. i went for the retro british rock look. i wore my new studded tank that i posted the other day and my favourite cowboy boots. i don't wear these jeans much because they're so long i have to wear heels. now, heels are usually not that comfortable for long distances and when i go out i prefer to walk instead of drive. i also can't wear them to work so that means these pants don't come out much but i still love them. the party was fun and sonia loved the necklace i customized with wonderwall lyrics for her. hopefully, her and chris come out tomorrow night for indiana jones and indian food.
i heart la flair
l.a. flair is hands down the best polish. it's inexpensive, holds up well and the best, best colours. colours so unique and vibrant that they become an accessory in themselves. my current la flair polish is a fab nineties baby blue. this colour is part of their brights line and is not as matte as the other polishes of theirs i own so no need for the mirror top coat but i wore it anyway. i buy mine at urban outfitters so it's another excuse to visit one of my favourite places.
when you feel life ain't worth living
it's so nice to be up to date with the blog. this is the outfit i'm actually wearing as i type this to you. maybe i'm so on top of things because there's not too much happening today. i have to be at work in an hour and i spent the day reading the new harpers, can you believe it's the fall preview already? i mean it's only just getting warm here. tomorrow i'm going to the christie antique show. it's the biggest antique show of the year and hopefully i'll find some linens to cover my new kitchen benches, some mid century furnature and some clothes and accesories in my price range. wish me luck. oh, my new luv your pets shipment came today. i got two new charms, this siver circle with blind melon "change" lyrics and a gold circle with the quote from that cute bangle i posted the other day, " truly fabulous people never get dressed before lunchtime".
two girls two looks
two fab outfit shots from two very stylish girls. the first shot is from facehunter and the second is emma from emma's closet. i love the pants in the first shot. i have a similar pair and i have a hard time wearing them in a way so they don't look like a bad catholic school uniform. i think the key is heels and keeping it slim on top. because they certainly don't look to retro or frumpy on this lovely lady. the composition of the second photo of emma is just amazing. emma always takes her own photos but she does it in a way that's interesting and esthetically beautiful. plus her outfit is very cute. i share her love of hunters, vintage leather belts and stripes, but then so do a lot of girls.i wonder how much of her photos are skill and luck and how much are photoshop. i never photoshop my blog photos but i think that doing so is quite common for fashion bloggers, maybe i should start using my skills and baller out true north style.

do the grapevine
today was my sister's birthday and she and the fam came by my work to celebrate. during the day i pretty much just hung out around the house. kevin and i had bbq, i did some online shopping at the urban outfitters sale, and i even broke out my favourite work out tape and did some cardio. i'm trying to get my bikini body ready for the cottage and i love cheesy work out tapes. my favourite of all time is the mtv grind series from the late 90's starring eric from the real world. who wouldn't want to cool down with the sounds of coolio and work up a sweat with "dance" moves by famed choreographer tina landon. so fun. i also tried to help out two baby raccoons that kevin found huddled under a car. we called wildlife rescue but i think they'll be ok because they ran away from us and they weren't injured or crying. they were so cute and small, raccoons are my favourite.
sweater: h&m
dress: vintage thrifted
belt: urban outfitters
socks: winners
shoes: minnetonka
sister sister
today my sister and i hung out. she got her hair done and we hit the shops. tomorrow is her birthday so she wanted to get done up and got a fab cut and color at coupe. then we hit heel boy, mac, french connection and club monaco. i bought some crazy bright lipstick at mac that kevin says makes me look like a clown and i bought these sexy shoes at heel boy. nine west is really killing it right now. after our day out we had baseball and tied with a really good team 16-16. thus, we are still undefeated yeah! we headed to tortilla flats for beer and such after the game. it was so crummy out today so i wore my men's cashmere sweater. sure it looks big on me but i was warm. i also broke out my nyc boots because they're awesome even though i hope it warms up soon and i won't be able to wear them. i'm tired of playing baseball in the rain as it's been three weeks now of rainy wednesdays.
taco tuesday
tuesday was a pretty busy day. kev and i woke up early and headed to home depot to buy some wood to make our kitchen benches. home depot is great. i love the smell of cut wood and how the lumber section is kind of damp like early october. when we got back kevin got right to work and when i arrived home from loblaws the benches were built and painted thanks to the help of chris. side note, how is it that you can go to any supermarket and spend around 50-60$ but at loblaws you always manage to spend 100$, why? i made guacamole and soft chicken tacos for dinner and we feasted at our newly revamped kitchen nook. yesterday i wore my new navy tank with my favourite flared jeans, my 18th amendments. i want lolabridge skinnys so bad but they are so expensive.
easy like sunday morning
sometimes on sundays you just want oversized tees, wooly socks, bacon and eggs and a rainy window.
found denim. obsessed.
i want these. amazing found denim skinnys. i'm crazy about the wash. must stop being lazy and join gym.