
april haulage

so as well as one of my favourite mossy pictures, i give you fresh april haulage. you can see all the lovely items i bought in the month of april. if you like my videos feel free to subscibe to my youtube channel at http://youtube.com/truenorthstyle and you can also check out my mascara and miscellaneous april favourites below.


Anonymous said...

that is quite the haul! i love the basic black skirt! i hate it when american stores do not ship to canada! so lame.

Unknown said...

Dude, where's my Fiberwig shout out??

Unknown said...

Yay! You got the Zara Miu Miu copy-cat inspired dress! Hehe can't wait to see it posted. I love the vlogs!


mary said...

omg. i am ordering a pendleton bag right now.

Stephanie said...

did you film this with your flip camera? My internet is working! finally sorted that out! pretty much did the same thing as you today...laundry and cleaning and picked up a birthday gift for my mom. my "a" key is on it's way out...sooo annoying to type!

LOVE the H&M pieces you scored....i am kinda jeals because NOTHING seems to fit me there at least in terms of skirts lately so ive kind of given up on them :( and i can't seem to find any decent other pieces lately either...boo :( lol.

Love the pendelton bag!!
I can't see the last two minutes of the video right now...not loading for some reason so i'll come back :) and re-watch. Also, LOVE your latest tumblr posts ;) so great and inspiring!


Lainey said...

I still definitely need to get that Zara kitty dress. I love it. Everytime I see it, I get really mopey, because I haven't gotten it yet. Great purchases!

Hélène Heath said...

omggg Cindy you went completely mad this month! Great purchases, as per usual, but i must admit that green Pendelton is aaamazing! Haha and i totally laughed when you talked about your "rule" for plaid stuff lol i should totally instill a rule like that for myself and stripes. And again, that balenciaga, what a score! I just love your videos and can't wait to see your May haul (hopefully you didn't slack on the shopping due to the giant april purchses;)

Hélène Heath said...

Oh and i just watched your mascara video and i just had to comment on how lucky you are that you don't need to wear mascara every day! I would never dare leave the house without it, unfortunately, as my lashes are blond... lol if i don't wear mascara i look like i have alopecia or something.

Cindy said...

mary- i hope you got the bag.
paigey- i love that you bought my my fiberwig. kiss kiss